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hail roofing damage

In Colorado, hailstorms are part of insurance plans for a reason. When you look out your window and see those dark clouds coming, anxiety sets in. The wind starts to blow, and you worry about what kind of damage this storm might bring to your property. From tree branches crashing through windows, to high winds taking shingles off your roof, or golf ball-sized hail shredding your siding, hail is no joke.

It’s not uncommon for Colorado properties to sustain damages from storms, making your house vulnerable to the elements. Damages need to be fixed. And fast! No one likes dealing with insurance companies: all that worry about how long it will take, how much money it will cost you, and how much it will disrupt your life. 

To make things easier on yourself, take action to ensure your home is prepared to withstand hail storms. A home is a significant investment, and protecting it is in your best interest for the greatest return on your investment.

It’s also essential to understand what you need to do after a storm hits. There are more actions to take, and it’s also crucial to have the information of a trustworthy storm damage repair company ready and available. 

When your home gets damaged, would you rather be scrambling, or prepared?

Keep Your Yard In Top Shape

Performing routine maintenance on your yard prevents damage from flying debris or tree limbs. Cut limbs that hang over your roof, driveway, or other structures, and eliminate dead branches. Too-heavy branches and limbs are likely to break during a storm. 

Also, trim bushes and shrubs to be at least a foot away from your home’s siding so they don’t scrape on the exterior of your home. Over time, your paint will be worn and your siding will need to be replaced due to small damages storm after storm.

Invest In Weather Resistant Siding

Durable siding will withstand hail better than others. Many materials will dent and buckle during high winds, allowing moisture to get into your walls. 

Brick, stone, and fiber cement are all durable and hail-resistant (oh, hail yes). If you’re looking to replace your siding, consider these options from companies we trust

Install Impact Resistant Shingles

If you live in an area prone to hail storms, impact-resistant shingles are a must have. All shingles are made to protect your home, drain rainwater, and withstand piling snow. However, not all shingles are made to endure hail and strong winds. 

Impact-resistant shingles are a class 4 shingle. They are made with a reinforcing, polymer-based mesh embedded into the asphalt. This combination of materials helps hold the shingles together on impact. Also, rubber-like polymers are added to the asphalt composition to create a rubberizing effect.

Since these shingles hold up better in storms, it’s possible to lower your insurance costs after installation. You should get an annual roof inspection no matter which type of shingles you have. Your Colorado roof is more likely to withstand hail damage if it’s in good shape.  

Inspect Your Gutters

Gutters are crucial in keeping water away from your foundation. If your gutters are broken or filled with debris, water will not drain properly away from your structure. Clean your gutters regularly, make repairs if any parts are damaged, and consider gutter guards. These covers allow for water flow but block rubble and debris. This covering also protects from hail and saves clean-up time after a storm.

Review Your Insurance Policy

Even when you take all the actions you can to protect your home, the unexpected is bound to happen. That’s why insurance is so important. Standard insurance doesn’t always cover storm damage. Talk to your agent to make sure you understand what is and what isn’t covered by your current policy.

What to Do After A Storm

During and after a hailstorm, it’s essential to stay safe and alert. Here are the actions to take once the storm has passed:

Inspect Your Home And Property

Wait for the storm to pass and perform your inspection in daylight. Bring a camera or phone with you to document any damage. This comes in handy for insurance claims. Here’s what to look for when evaluating your home:

  • Yard Debris - Look for broken branches, shingles, broken siding panels, and anything else that may have flown off your home.
  • Damaged Siding - Look for siding that has been ripped off or shredded.
  • Broken Windows - Check for broken or cracked windows.
  • Damaged Roofing - Look around for missing shingles, damaged fascia, and check all exhaust pipes. 

Determine The Need To Contact Your Insurance Company And A Contractor

If you are unsure of the extent of the damage, call an experienced contractor first. A company can perform an inspection, let you know of the damage, and inform you if you should contact your insurance company. 

In other cases, the damage is apparent and there’s no doubt you need to contact your insurance company. Generally, if the cost of damage from the storm exceeds your deductible, file a claim.

Document everything through the whole process. Keep all receipts and take pictures of the damage, the repairs, and the final result. Always work with a licensed and insured contractor. This protects you when someone works on your home.

Colorado Hail Storm Damage

Hail storms are a part of life in Colorado. You never know how severe they will be in your area this year, but you always need to be ready. When you are prepared and have taken action to protect your property, you should deal with only minor storm damage. 

You put yourself in the best position possible by protecting your property, understanding your insurance, and knowing what to do after a storm. Hopefully, your home will sustain only minor damage. After the storm, set yourself up for quick repairs by knowing how to take care of the damages and who you need to call to help you. 

Unsure how to handle insurance or repair storm damages? Contact Endeavor Exteriors right away after a storm, and let our experience work for you.
